Swedish Television

Ein von vielen Ausländern geschätzter Aspekt des schwedischen Fernsehens ist es, dass es in weiten Teilen englischsprachige Programme sendet, die dann untertitelt sind. Da viele Austauschstudenten nicht wirklich darauf aus sind, schwedisch zu lernen, ist das natürlich sehr bequem.
Schweden war noch nie ein großer Markt, so dass sich Synchronisation nicht lohnt und sich stattdessen die Untertitel durchsetzten. Ich habe schon lange Debatten mit Deutschen darüber geführt, was nun besser ist, und bin immer noch voller Überzeugung, dass Deutschland die Abschaffung der Synchronisation gut täte. Sie ist nicht nur ein Verbrechen an dem Kunstwerk Film, sondern verfälscht die Übersetzung. Nebenbei können die Schweden hervorragend englisch und werden im Gegensatz zu den Deutschen auch einmal gezwungen, zu lesen, was sich in Sachen PISA positiv auswirken dürfte.

Das schwedische Fernsehen ist freilich nicht nur untertitelt, sondern ab und zu auch auf schwedisch.
Allerdings überrascht eine aktuelle Untersuchung von Svenska Dagbladet schon etwas:

  • 58 Prozent des Programms in den 16 größten schwedischen Kanälen sind auf englisch.
  • Stolze 44 Prozent der Sendungen stammen aus den USA.
  • Weniger überraschend: das werbefreie öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen liegt mit 85 Prozent schwedischen Sendungen an der Spitze.
  • Trotzdem ist dort auch der Anteil schwedischer Sendungen in den letzten Jahren gefallen.
  • Schlusslicht unter den Vollprogrammen ist TV3, wo gerade einmal 12 Prozent des Programms auf schwedisch ist.
  • Noch extremer treibt es „TV4 Komedi“ – dieser Kanal hat im überwachten Zeitraum kein einziges schwedisches Programm ausgestrahlt.

Die Gründe dafür sind offensichtlich. Seit Privatfernsehen Einzug gehalten hat, suchen die Kanäle nach der billigstmöglichen Art, Programm zu machen, das auch Zuschauer anzieht. Also werden massenweise amerikanische Serien eingekauft, deren Lizenz auf Schweden beschränkt ist und die damit entsprechend billig sind. Die Übersetzung von einer Folge kann dann selbst ein Praktikant an einem Arbeitstag machen, und schon ist das ganze sendefertig.
So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass Sendungen wie COPS, Oprah Winfrey und Dr. Phil laufen – allesamt freilich ohne jeden Wert für Schweden, aber spottbillige Lückenfüller. Aus dem gleichen Grund werden wohl auch große Serien wie Grey’s Anatomy zu mehreren Tageszeiten immer wieder durchgenudelt.

Dazu passt denn auch, dass Kanal5 55 Prozent seines Produktionsbudgets für Eigenproduktionen ausgibt, aber diese letztendlich nur 14 Prozent des Programms ausmachen – der Rest ist einfach so viel billiger.

Man macht also Programm, indem man wenig selbst produziert und viel zu Festpreisen einkauft. Ob ich das gut finden soll, weiß ich nicht, aber wenn ich mir überlege, mit welchen kulturellen Perlen RTL2 die Zuschauer beglückt, kann es so schlimm nicht sein.

The Ultimate Nobel Experience Reloaded (Deluxe Edition, Part 1)

Sweden in winter – that is coldness and darkness in the eyes. While the latter is guaranteed, low temperatures have only stopped by for a few days in late October and moved on to the far north. They have been above zero centigrade ever since despite German media claiming that people in the queue for the new Nintendo Vii console waited in sub-zero temperatures. I was not among them anyway – I would not even spend money on a game console.

My actual point is that Alfred Nobel died in San Remo, Italy, on 10th December 1896, most likely in much nicer weather than here in Scandinavia. Ironically this very special birth date has brought Stockholm on of the highlights of the year: The Nobel Prizes. Along with the Swedish holiday of Lucia it makes the first half of December very special in this city.

The laureates, accompanied by their family, arrive a few days before the actual festivities which marks the beginning of a whole Nobel week. While the Prize itself has only three major events, the laureates are invited to a large number of other events, e.g. visits to schools.

The first official event are the Nobel lectures. By the statutes of the Nobel foundation, every laureate is required to give such a lecture. If they cannot attend personally, they have to do it through video or in writing. While the lecture of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate takes place during the awarding ceremony, all other laureates hold theirs two days in advance. The lectures for Physics, Chemistry and the Economy Prize take place at the Aula Magna of Stockholm University, the Medicine lecture at the Karolinska Institute and the Literature lecture at the Swedish Academy. Most of them are scientific lectures with certain acknowledgments of their colleagues and their families.

The Peace and Literature lectures are often more like speeches about political topics.

So far I have only visited the lectures at the Aula Magna. This has practical reasons – the Medicine lectures are on the same day, but some kilometers away, and the Literature lecture may be the one which attracts the public attention, but requires that the visitors get a ticket in advance.
The Aula Magna however is near to my place and antrance is free.

The stage for this year’s Physics Prize lecture

During the lecture the taking photos is not allowed. This was the audience on Friday.

And the audience in 2005 – it seemed to be considerably smaller

The same stage in 2005

Enough for today – I can already say here that I don’t have photos from the awarding ceremony, simply because it is limited to a small number of honorary guests. However, I have pictures of last year’s Nobel banquet which I was able to attend. But more about that tomorrow.

Home Less Sweet Home – at least this time

There are moments in life when it’s better turn away and don’t look at the misery. Half an hour ago there was one of these moments, when a blonde Swedish girl of maybe 16 years vomited into a trash bin in a subway station. Such things assure that western civilization is certainly on the right track.

The birthday dinner I had before was much more convenient. Anna turned maybe 18, maybe 21 – who cares about age – yesterday and I came along more or less incidently. Quite a nice evening, although our 20 minutes walk through Södermalm was pretty much the end of it. The concert we wanted to see ended just the moment we arrived. So there was nothing to say but „tyvärr“ (unfortunately) – and go home.

I received a nice sheet of paper yesterday – it was attached to my cars windscreen and is named „Kontrollavgift“. I’m supposed to pay 450 kr. In other words: it is a parking ticket. Now that my car is standing here at the place the caretaker told me to park at for about one month, I receive finally a fine for it. I’m not going to accept it. In my opinion my car was parked definitely on private property, which can be seen on this photo.

Parking Ticket

The car on the right is mine. As can be seen, my car is standing on the lawn in the direct neighbourhood of the container. It has to be private, not public property.
I’ll register a complaint – that’s for sure.

It maybe of no direct concern to me, but I think it’s necessary to drop a few words about what is going in the USA at the moment. After 9/11 it has become difficult to use the word solidarity in connection with something happening in the US – the final result of an unjustified and meaningless invasion in Iraq gives it a bitter taste.

However I assume the people there have everybody’s solidarity here, including me.

I don’t want to comment too much about the results of this natural desaster, but the political effects of it will be undoubtedly severe – as the mayor of New Orleans points out quite harshly.

Enough for today- tomorrow there will be maybe more time for cheerful things. For example a good result at the Bellmanstaffeten relay run. I also have some nice new photos.

Home Sweet Home

Welcome to our international community where things are getting to run smoothly. Tonight there will live at least 13 different nations on our floor, probably more. Just a few minutes two girls from Georgia arrived, introducing another nation.
We had a great dinner with Pasta, salad and some German wine – „Pfälzer Landwein“ which came in a TetraPak. So we are quite a nice bunch of people here.
I feel pretty much at home, especially after I visited Lidl in Täby today. It does not only look like the German Lidl, they even sell the same products.
Later today Julian arrived, who not only turned out to be from my home university in Germany – he also studies at the same master programme. Seems like we had a lack of information in Germany. I thought I already knew all the students from Karlsruhe.

Enough links for today -actually I just wanted to present another nice picture of Stockholm:
Container View

It was taken from a lecture hall at AlbaNova, a shared building of Stockholm University and KTH – and incidently the place which will house most of my lectures.
Well, it makes The Container look worse than it actually is 🙂

In English: Nice panoramas and immigration ideas

It’s the last week before the lectures start, and it’s full of events.

On Tuesday I have been to Vaxholm in the archipelago. Here are some panoramas of that day:

Waiting for the boat in Stockholm

While we (Elena, Christina and me) were waiting for the boat to Vaxholm. In the background is the royal palace.

In English: Nice panoramas and immigration ideas weiterlesen

In English: Last warm weekend

Locals agree that this has been one of the last, if not the last warm weekend of this year. The sun was shining and it was warm until late in the evening.
Södermalm Panorama
I met some new people from all over the world and shot some nice panorama photos of Stockholm (Click on „Weiterlesen“ for more) . In English: Last warm weekend weiterlesen

In English: New section

Since my posting to the master students group at yahoo was quite a success, I decided to post more in English and to add a kind of English section. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t offer a completely multilingual page. For easier access there is a new link at the top of the page. (Click on „Weiterlesen“ for more.)
In English: New section weiterlesen