Locals agree that this has been one of the last, if not the last warm weekend of this year. The sun was shining and it was warm until late in the evening.
I met some new people from all over the world and shot some nice panorama photos of Stockholm (Click on “Weiterlesen” for more) .
I had a great weekend – on Friday I met incidently Elena at Skatteverket (the tax office) while I was applying for my Swedish personnummer. She comes from Essen in Germany, worked here for a while and will return to Germany next week. We went to Medborgarplatsen (see panorama) and sat in a café for a while.
Later we went to Gamla Stan to another café which offers a delicious chocolate cake. In the end we sat and talked for about 9 hours – amazing.
Later in the evening I met Ruben from Mexico, who was in Kungsholmen with a group of people: Dave from Australia, Daniela from Germany, Monica from Mexico, Antoine from France and Anna from Spain. The great thing was that most of them aren’t students which made it more interesting.
We had some beers in an Irish Pub. I returned home walking together with Daniela and Antoine the whole way back to my student dorm. Although that takes a while, distances are still quite small in Stockholm’s city centre. The myriads of buses and the great Tunnelbana (subway) help a lot, but aren’t always necessary.
I planned to go to the free open air concert at Kungsträdsgården on Saturday. But first I met with Bianca and went to the café with the chocolate cake again. The concert was rather disappointing – the place was full of kids less than 16 years old. So we left before Craig David came and walked to Södermalm instead, where we met Apostolos from Greece and Jan from Germany. Later Nicole from the USA and her Swedish flat mate Magnus joined us. Two pubs later we returned home.
So it has been a very international weekend as well
I used the sunday primarily for recreation. Finally I figured out how to make 360° panoramas with Hugin. So far I always had the problem that Hugin created a ring like this.
This results occur due to the problem that all pictures have at least two other pictures which are connected to them. It is a kind of endless chain. So the online way to represent that on a single picture would be a ring. The only way to avoid this is to cut the connection of this chain at one point. After that it works quite well. Considering that all panoramas in this post were made without using a tripod and I didn’t want to put too much time in the creation of the panoramas, I’m quite satisfied with the results.
Na du! Für mich hört sich das alles so an, als wenn es dir richtig gut gehen würde! Freut mich!! Bei uns hier is alles wie immer: scheiss Wetter, scheiss Wetter und zudem scheiss Wetter.
Halt die Ohren steif!